School Programs
Positive Behaviour Support
The purpose of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) at CCESC is to create and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment for all.
We encourage positive attitudes through the explicit teaching and modelling of our core values; Achievement, Independence and Respect (A.I.R). We have been continuing to implement Tier 1 and 2 strategies to promote a positive, supportive learning environment.
As a school we have an agreed set of expectations relating to behaviour and we ensure that these behaviours are taught consistently across the school.
Our whole school incentives system recognises our A.I.R. values and encourages students to develop and demonstrate the expected behaviours.
From PBS Frequent Flyers (our tokens that you may have come across in the wash) to end of term Merit Certificates and chocolate wheel fun, our system incorporates immediate to long term goals that are intertwined with individual, class and whole school incentives.
These defined expectations are held, of both staff and students, to increase individual accountability and outcomes.