School Programs


The CCESC Senior School program begins in year 10 and continues until students leave school in year 12.

Each student is enrolled in a personalised combination of Courses of Study, Endorsed Programs and Vocational Education and Training competencies which are accredited by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA).

SCSA issues a Western Australian Statement of Attainment, also known as the WASSA to all year 12 students at the completion of their secondary schooling. Students may also be enrolled (by application and approval by the Director General of Education) in a 13th year (Pathways) if they are completing a School-based traineeship (SBT).

The WASSA provides a formal record of what students have achieved at school and includes:
  • Online literacy and numeracy (OLNA) standard results
  • School grades and school marks in Foundation Units
  • Completed Preliminary (P) Units
  • Completed Vocational Education and Training qualifications and units of competency
  • Completed Endorsed Programs
  • Number of community service hours completed

Students sit the OLNA test at the beginning of each year of Senior School starting in year 10. The OLNA is an online literacy and numeracy assessment. It is designed to enable students to successfully demonstrate the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy for the Courses of Study.

The Courses of Study offered at CCESC are Preliminary (P) Units. Preliminary Units focus on the practical application of knowledge, skills and understandings to a range of environments that will be accessed by students with special education needs. Grades are not assigned for these units.

Student achievement is recorded as ‘completed’ or ‘not completed’. These courses provide the opportunity for students to prepare for post-school options of employment and further training.

Students enrol in Courses of Study at Preliminary (P) level in the areas of:

English Preliminary: The course focuses on the fundamental skills that support language use. Language use plays a central role in human life: it provides a vehicle for communication and independence. Students study language through the use of receptive and expressive communication. Receptive skills can include reading, comprehending, listening and/or viewing. Expressive skills can include writing, speaking, acting, signing, gesturing and/or creating multimodal texts.

Mathematics Preliminary: The course focuses on the practical application of knowledge, skills and understandings to a range of environments that will be accessed by students with special education needs.

Health and Physical Education (HPE) Preliminary: The course focuses on providing students with opportunities to enhance their health, safety, wellbeing and physical activity participation. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to strengthen their sense of self as well as build and maintain satisfying relationships. The course assists with their development of resilience, decision making and taking actions to promote their health, safety and physical activity participation. Students may acquire movement skills that enable them to participate in a range of physical activities as a foundation for lifelong participation.

Business Management and Enterprise Preliminary: This course is linked to class Enterprise projects and focuses on students recognising the knowledge, concepts and principles underpinning how a business operates within a cycle of establishment, day-to-day running, and continuing viability of business. Through engaging in business activities, students are encouraged to recognise business opportunities, ways of creating products and providing services, and the marketing of these items. Students also have the opportunity to develop interpersonal and business skills, and to learn how to behave responsibly and demonstrate integrity in business.

Food Science and Technology Preliminary: Students develop their interests and skills through the production of food-related tasks, and consider various reasons for eating food. They experience a variety of new foods, and explore the diversity of food available at local markets to guide meal planning. Students develop a range of practical food-related skills, such as being able to follow recipe instructions, accurately measure ingredients, select suitable preparation equipment and appliances, use simple cooking techniques, and appropriate clean-up procedures. Students learn to be more aware of personal hygiene, personal safety and food safety when handling food in a kitchen setting.

Students may also be enrolled in SCSA endorsed programs. The Endorsed Programs are categorised as Authority (SCSA) developed and Provider developed and include:

ADWPL Workplace Learning: This is an Authority-developed endorsed program that is managed by the schools. To complete this endorsed program, a student works in one or more real workplace/s to develop a set of transferable workplace skills. The student must record the number of hours completed and the tasks undertaken in the workplace in the Authority’s Workplace Learning Logbook. The student must also provide evidence of his/her knowledge and understanding of the workplace skills by completing the Authority’s Workplace Learning Skills Journal after each 55 hours completed in the workplace.

ADCAP Community Arts Performance: This program enables a student engaged in community arts activities involving dance, drama, media, music and/or visual arts to be recognised for the significant learning encompassed within such activities. This program culminates in a performance or production.

ADCS Community Service: Students engage in one or more community service activities to build on knowledge and understanding and develop abilities, skills. This is a 55-hour program in which a student must undertake at least 50 hours of community service and up to five hours of induction and reflection.

ADRP Recreational Pursuits: This program that enables a student engaged in a recreational activity to be recognised for the significant learning encompassed within such activities. Students participate in a range of sporting activities including team games, bike riding and kayaking, and learn transferable life skills.

Provider developed programs are programs offered by community organisations are structured learning programs that result in the attainment of a quality-assured certificate or award. These programs have been deemed to have significant learning value for school students. Programs offered at CCESC include:

ASDAN Programs from the Preparatory Award Programs and ASDAN Short Courses
  • Work Right
  • E-safety
  • Challenges in Personal and Economic Wellbeing, Social, Health and Ethical Skills

These programs have been developed for young people with special needs following a work based/work experience program of study, providing a framework to develop a range of basic transferable employability and life skills.


PK4L+ Keys for Life Pre-driver Education Course: Learning outcomes focus on safer driving, driving practice, positive road-user attitudes and informed decision-making. The program culminates in students undertaking the Learner’s Permit Test at school, which is recognised at Driver and Vehicle Services centres in WA. Students must participate in at least 80% of the lessons, and complete and submit a student journal (print or online version) to be eligible to sit the Theory Test at school.


PLBCC Coaching Young People for Success – Career Coaching Program
The Coaching Young People for Success Career Coaching Program assists students to design their own inspiring Life and Career and School Performance Pathway Plan. Students explore who they are, explore what sort of life and work they would really love and set short, medium and long term goals to get there. This program is linked to the CCESC Person Centred Planning approach to transition planning.


PFES1 Cadets Level 1 (year 11) and PFES2 Cadets Level 2 (year 12): The Emergency Services Cadet Corps assists young people to develop practical life skills, leadership, teamwork and initiative, as well as fostering qualities of community responsibility and service.


PDEB The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award (year 10): This is an international development program, which is flexible, non-competitive, challenging and provides an opportunity for young people to achieve their personal best, whilst developing their self-esteem, teamwork, communication and decision-making skills.


PHODR DRUMBEAT Social Development Program
DRUMBEAT is a social development program that uses music to explore relationship issues and build self-confidence. Participants learn to work together playing hand drums and learn a range of social skills as part of a cooperative team process. Participants examine a range of issues that support the development of healthy relationships and healthy lifestyles. The program includes a public performance.

Students at the Senior School may be enrolled in Workplace Learning (WPL). The purpose of WPL, which commences in year 10 and continues through to year 12, is to provide students with the necessary employability skills to enable them to make employment choices when they transition from school. Students attend work experience at a workplace in the community, either independently or supported by CCESC staff. Students keep a logbook as evidence of their attendance and skill development for SCSA accreditation.

Nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications are offered to students as options in year 11 and 12. Students can achieve a full qualification over 2 years. Courses offered at school include:

  • Certificate 1 in Visual Arts
  • Certificate 1 in AgriFood Operations

School Based Traineeships (SBTs) allow senior secondary students to combine working part-time during school hours with training to complete nationally recognised VET qualifications in the workplace. Like other VET offerings, the vocational training components of SBTs contribute credit towards the WASSA.

CCESC offers two nationally accredited pre-vocational qualifications which are delivered onsite at school by qualified teachers.


This is a nationally recognised certificate course. Students are awarded points on their WASSA statement for successful completion. The training and assessment option for this qualification is delivered under a third-party arrangement with Activ Pathways (RTO 51960).

Projects include: an introduction to horticulture, using garden tools and equipment, garden maintenance, lawn maintenance, working off-site, in garden environments.


This qualification is an introductory qualification based on working with wood in the woodwork room. The units of competency cover essential occupational health and safety requirements, communication skills, work planning, and basic use of tools and materials. The qualification is built around a basic woodworking project unit that integrates the skills and embeds the facets of employability skills in context.

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